Nature of dialogue:Soliloquy. Character: Priyadarshini *
A little birdie asked me as to what does “tobepriya” signify? Is it that you want others to be priya or you yourself wanted to become that priya you imagine. Reader; it also has no bearing on Shakespeare‘s famous lines. Amusingly it came as a fitting accompaniment to my name; which revels the direct ‘dil se’ communication to me and with me :-)
Two criteria’s ruled my decision in choosing a blogsite name.
1) I’ve been baptized with a popular name; if you are aware of the name-o-logy record of Indian culture. It was also trendy then; a common entitlement given to girls of my age group! Even my maiden initial was a common letter (M). Though definite; I did give a try only to see a mocking alert message "Name already exists"
2) I wanted to retain part of my name in the title for ease of recognition with me. The identification was for the sake of the dearness I see in my parents; my sister; my friends and relatives spread across the world. Most of all; these relations state an unspoken appeal to unfold the collection of my writings of 2 years in paper to settle in to the present day E-tune!
There has been several instances in my life I can reminisce how the creative side in me began to unleash its potential. My mum has a bachelor's degree in English literature. My maternal grandfather is a book aficionado who inculcated the art of reading in my aunts and uncles at a very young age. Almost all the age old classics and popular contemporary works of those times remain in our Rettanai village. Incessantly touched by the heirs; yet it did not dishevel its position as the royal treasury of the carved oak study panels and shelves filled with volumes and volumes of books until this very day. Granddad was a radical in choosing movies too. They’ve watched exceptionally good English pictures much to my childhood envy! But as I grew; I began to read, see and feel all the timeless spirits they passed on to me. I think in my 7th grade; I could no longer resort to my mum who was as determined as my teacher in writing essays for my English subject. But she offered to help me. She made me realize that I could narrate better than I had thought about myself. I did not mug the notes that I wrote like I had to spend time preparing the mum-made-notes! Gradually my ERC’s and essays were rated the best in the class. My passion for reading gave me the freedom to think; perceive and express my feelings better. Mum; Jesintha mam and Sister Elizabeth were the noteworthy critics of the whims and fancies I had in communicating through the language.
My wealth of paper possessions still has the intimate notes; letters; greeting cards; gift wrappers et al from my loved ones. As I speak to you now; I am highly persuaded to resume my letter writing spree to my sister who is in college. One more personal task of posting a greeting card is awaiting. I bought the card for my friend’s birthday with no “Happy birthday” printed in it. I wanted to learn the illuminati**style of writing to artistically express my wish! And at some point illuminate him (a loather of any reading except computers) or atleast his yet to be born kid on 'a world of endless imagination'. As a matter of fact there is this good thing about snail mail that I generously take advantage of! No matter how belated you send it; its tangible nature will embrace all their disappointment!
*Priyadarshini in name dictionary refers one who is enchanting or delightful. A dear to all (priya) who gives darshan to all (darshini) was the meaning my family told me. I concluded that I shall take both :-)
**Dan Browns book “Angels and Demons”featured this quite striking font style which I singled out to try on a card.
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